Somatic psychotherapy and heart opening practices.
Your effervescent self is waiting to bubble up into the world.
“The basic work of health professionals in general and psychotherapists in particular is to become full human beings and to inspire full human beingness in other people who feel starved about their lives.” —Chogyam Trungpa, Full Human Beingness
A warm welcome and kind thank you to everyone who has found themselves here on my website. As a therapist and fellow human I practice the healing ways of the somatic and ancient wisdom traditions to guide others back to their own wisdom and inner knowing. Somatic means “body wisdom” and it is my prayer that each of us inquire and listen deeply inside to make meaning of life’s experiences. Making sense of our lives allows us to move through our own personal suffering to a place of greater joy, clarity and compassion. From this place of awareness and understanding we are able to relate to ourselves, each other and the world in a direct and real way. We learn to welcome and stay open to life, whatever it may bring. It is with great pleasure to explore the luminous landscapes of your sacred heart and the mystery of your unique human experience.
Offering online individual therapy for personal, emotional, relational, and nervous system support.
Life Coaching
Offering one on one coaching to discover what inspires you to living a meaningful life.
In person bodywork to help support and restore the physical body. May be combined with therapy.
Heart Opening and Integration Practices
Ask for a consultation on heart opening and plant integration sessions.
Immersion: Costa Rica
An experience designed to support, nourish and nurture your being.
Dr. Jamie Stahl
“Always we hope that someone else has the answer, some other place will be better, some other time it will all turn out. This is it. No one else has the answer. No other place will be better. And it has already turned out. At the center of your being you have the answers. You know what you want. There is no need to run outside for better seeing nor peer from the window. Rather abide at the center of your being. For the more you leave it, the less you know. Search your heart and see that the way to do is to to be.”
by Lao Tzu